Osteoarthritis of the shoulder is a pathological process that occurs in patients over 50 years of age. Like many other diseases, the disease can provoke the appearance of unpleasant sensations. The initial form of the disease is characterized as arthrosis of the first degree of the shoulder joint, which has a certain set of symptomatic manifestations and factors that can negatively affect the subsequent development.
Causes and symptoms of onset
Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is a violation of the integrity of the cartilage joint and its elements. Very often, the disease process begins to develop actively, as a result of which the patient is diagnosed with arthritis and inflammation.

The disease can occur against the background of exposure to various factors. The most common include:
- articular joint damage (dislocation, bruising, fracture) characterized by capsule damage or ligament rupture;
- identification of diseases of the cardiovascular system in a patient (processes, as a result of which the organs and systems do not receive the optimal amount of blood and oxygen);
- the presence of excess body weight (there is an added load on the joints).
Symptomatic manifestations of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint can appear with different strength and frequency. In the initial stage of disease development, the patient has a manifestation of pain or slight discomfort (especially in the process of finding the shoulder in a certain position). After that, for a certain period of time, the disease process slows down, after which it is felt again, while actively developing. Joint pain, as a rule, has an attractive or aching character, their intensity varies depending on the load. Pain syndrome can have different localization. It can be spread all over the shoulder area or only in certain joint areas. As a result, the motor activity of the patient's upper limb is disturbed and the pathological process passes into a chronic form. The symptoms and treatment of the disease, which is then resolved, depend mainly on the age characteristics of the patient.
Before drawing a conclusion, the specialist doctor instructs the patient to perform diagnostic measures. At the first appointment, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the affected articular joint, after which he gathers the most detailed information about the patient's lifestyle, professional activities, and details of the injury. The palpation process studies the nature of joint mobility and the disease process.
X-rays are recommended for more information. The resulting picture makes it possible to determine the nature of the development of the disease and the stage of its neglect.
When making a diagnosis, it is especially important to consider the presence of concomitant diseases in the body.
1 degree of disease
Diagnosis is made on the basis of available information about the patient's symptoms and general well-being. In this case, a general analysis of blood and urine can not provide the necessary information about the process of joint disease. A laboratory study of articular fluid in grade 1 osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint reveals an increased viscosity of biological material and an increase in protein content. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging are considered no less informative. Despite the accuracy and content of the information, the procedure has a relatively high cost, so not every patient can afford such an examination.
2 degrees
When second-degree osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is detected, in addition to examination and questioning, the following diagnostic methods are used: ultrasound, arthroscopy, scintigraphy, and thermography. All of these techniques make it possible to determine the nature of articular space narrowing, bone tissue compression, the presence of cystic neoplasms, or bone tissue fragments in the joint area. Ultrasound examination of the disease helps determine the thickness of the cartilage on the surface of all areas, to identify the possible presence of erosions and wen.
3 degrees
Identification of grade 3 shoulder joint osteoarthritis involves an extended examination option. In addition to basic methods, the patient must pass a biochemical blood test (to identify markers of the inflammatory process), immunological studies to determine the stage of the disease process, and a cartilage tissue biopsy, which allows the patient to be diagnosed. as accurately as possible.
Regardless of the form of the pathological process of articulation detected in the patient, he will have to undergo long-term treatment. Traditional and non-traditional methods of therapy aim to eliminate the main signs:
- reducing the manifestation of pain;
- elimination of signs of the inflammatory process;
- normalization of the general condition of cartilage tissue;
- restoration of limb mobility;
- normalization of metabolic processes in the body.
Treatment of deforming arthrosis of the 2nd degree shoulder joint involves the use of complex therapy, which involves the use of several therapeutic methods immediately.
Medical treatment
Treatment of the disease with the help of drugs involves the use of tools with different effects:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - eliminate the signs of the inflammatory process, manifestations of joint pain. They are prescribed exclusively by a medical specialist, as the complexes are able to provoke the appearance of a negative reaction of the body. It is recommended to be taken with caution for those patients who have problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as the components of the composition have the ability to provoke the development of ulcerative formations.
- intra-articular blockade. The procedure for joint disease involves the use of corticosteroids in the form of injections injected directly into the affected area.
- Current hormonal and non-hormonal preparations. They can be applied in the form of gels or ointments.
In this case, the use of drugs against joint diseases is extremely necessary, as all other methods of therapy have a cumulative effect and give positive results only after a certain period of time.
Physiotherapy and exercises
Physiotherapeutic procedures and physiotherapy exercises are considered no less effective and beneficial. Most often, with a common disease, they are described:
- laser therapy - improves blood flow and normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
- acupuncture - allows you to activate the forces of the body in the fight against the pathological process;
- magnetotherapy - strengthening the body's immune system, which allows the damaged area of the wrist to heal more actively due to the restoration of blood flow;
- hirudotherapy - is the implementation of therapeutic measures with the help of caterpillars, is effective in detecting stages 1 and 2 of the disease;
- Manual therapy - includes massage not only by a specialist, but also independently at home.
Do not forget about physical education. Gymnastics in case of osteoarthritis of the shoulder plays an important role, so the classes should be regular and take into account all the features of the disease process. It is necessary to discuss in advance with the doctor about the allowable load, what exercises are allowed to be performed and how long the classes are for such a disease.
In the absence of effectiveness of the above methods of treatment of the disease and in identifying the continuous development of the disease, doctors are forced to resort to surgical treatment.
The procedure most often involves the installation of an endoprosthesis. The method is considered invasive, allowing the replacement of destroyed wrist fragments with artificial options.
The technique makes it possible not only to remove the symptoms that appear, but also to restore the lost activity of the upper limb.
Folk remedies
In addition to traditional methods of treating the disease, prescriptions of traditional medicine are considered no less effective. To alleviate the painful manifestations of the process of joint disease, the use of cabbage or burdock is recommended. Before use, the plant should be stretched to the stage of juice extraction, after which it should be applied to the shoulder. The compress is covered with a cloth on top to keep the heat as long as possible. The procedure takes several hours.
Many experts strongly recommend washing with a mixture of plant joints. It can be prepared from mustard powder and grass in a certain ratio. The duration of the bath is from 15 minutes to half an hour. After the procedure, it is advisable to dress warmly. The use of cinquefoil-based compresses is allowed. Previously, the medicinal plant was dried. To prepare a compress for joint disease, you will need three tablespoons of the main ingredient and pork fat. Many experts recommend adding a teaspoon of red pepper. This will improve the blood circulation process. Such actions are permissible in the absence of discomfort, violation of the integrity of the skin (in the form of redness of the epidermis), lack of increase in body temperature and signs of an inflammatory process. The use of the drug for a disease in most cases is carried out when a chronic form of the disease process is detected.
To prevent the onset of joint disease and its subsequent spread, the patient should be provided with the most sparing treatment. This is especially necessary if the patient is older and older. Mandatory favorable conditions include optimal body temperature, observance of the rules of personal hygiene and established sanitary requirements, timely training, monitoring the quality of food and taking the necessary vitamins and trace elements, visiting a medical specialist at least twiceper year.